Friday, February 4, 2011

Wii: the virtual Gym

Getting fit in this age of technology can be tough. On the one hand, you know you should get fit because the media and the scientists never seem to miss an opportunity to remind you. On the other hand, there ae so many modern conveniences that make it nearly impossible. In the past, most people had to walk in order to get to where they were going. If they wanted to get to work or go to the store, then they had to walk there. By doing this, they were able to keep in great shape without ever even having to think about it. However, you probably get to where you are going via your car. A car is a great invention that has revolutionised travel, but it hasn't done much to improve our waistlines. Video games are another culprit in this domain. In the past, when children wanted to entertain themselves, they would go outside with a ball. Now, they can play far superior games on their LCD TV without the need to go outside. 

Many people curse technology for this reason, and they would like humanity to go back to the stone age. However, you don't necessarily need to take such an extreme view. You can embrace the wonders of technology and get fit at the same time. The trick is to pick the right technologies. In the past couple years, video game consoles have been changing. The Nintendo Wii console instantly comes to mind as a video game console that was innovative. Rather than merely using your thumbs to control the character on the screen, you now had to actually move your hands and arms while holding on to a motion-sensor controller. 

Recently, Nintendo released a new game for the Nintendo Wii called Wii Fit. In addition to the hand controller, the Wii Fit uses a sensitive platform in order to correctly gauge your movements. If you want to control the character on your LCD TV, you now have to move your entire body. Many people become addicted to video games. When they become addicted to a game like Wii Fit, the results can be draw-dropping. Rather than sitting on a couch twitching their thumbs and devouring potato chips, these same people are now exercising for hours and hours every single day so that they can get the next high score. Some regular Wii Fit users have become indistinguishable from professional athletes in regards to their physique. 

Based on the success of Wii Fit, Microsoft is now introducing their revolutionary Microsoft Kinect technology. This will bring more active video games to an even wider audience. If you want to get started with these technologies, you should begin by looking for Nintendo Wii packages or an Xbox bundle.

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