Monday, February 7, 2011

The video games industry in 2011

The video game industry in 2011 seems to be shaping up nicely for gamers, with smart phones and the iPad establishing themselves in the market, and cloud gaming busting onto the scene. This year looks like it is shaping up to be one of the biggest years in video games ever.

Apple released the iPhone in 2007 which took the world by storm in terms of technology for a phone. Now the iPhone has evolved and is being used as potentially the number one handheld gaming device in the world. With the release of free games and applications the iPhone is generations ahead of all other gaming handhelds. This looks set to continue through 2011. In 2010 Apple also release the iPad. The smart money is on the iPad to establish itself as a gaming stalwart in 2011.

Cloud gaming seems to be one of the best new trends to hit the video gaming industry. In 2011 cloud gaming will be defined and every gamer will see how these services can actually benefit us. With the service boasting cheaper game prices, fast download times, and accessibility to thousands of games, the cloud gaming industry seems like it is a change for the better. 

With "Onlive" joining the video game industry gamers with linear gaming equipment, and people without a video game console can play the same games that every other gamer enjoys playing. Xbox Live is also releasing games for download which will come at a discounted price for gold members since they already pay their yearly membership fee. The same applies to the Playstation Network, and Wiiware; they will also join the cloud gaming market by releasing games for download over their private networks.

The possible announcement of Microsoft's' and Sony's future consoles by the end of the year is exciting for every gamer around the world. Two of the biggest video game consoles have gotten a fresh outlook on life by each company adding motion sensor controls to each of their systems. 2011 will show how the motion control phenomena is working for each console. 

2011 seems to be an exciting year for gamers across the world; hopefully everyone is prepared!

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